Print-Ready Artwork Checklist
At we are always there for you. We’ve answered some of the most commonly asked questions within our support pages.
So, if you have questions like, what is bleed and how do I apply it? or What is a Print Ready PDF? To learn more, please click here.
We hope we have covered everything to help you create your artwork, but remember, at we are there for you, so if you still need help, you can email us from our contact us page and we will do everything we can to help you out.
Having Trouble Uploading Your Artwork?
If you are having trouble uploading your artwork using the "select files" button below, you can email the files to us at
Files accepted:printing-files-accepted
Upload Files on the Web (Files should not more than 20mb).
Kindly contact us if files is more than 20mb. We will provide you with our FTP account.
Note: If you are experiencing difficulty using our Online Cart or discover an error, please report to Our Customer Service at (+605 548 2466) or email us at Your feedback will enable us to make the necessary corrections immediately. Any inconvenience caused is regretted.